Repatriation Agreement Explained

2002 Repatriation Agreement

In 2002, the US signed a Repatriation agreement with Cambodia detailing the return of deportees to Cambodia.  This agreement was signed by the Ambassador of the United States in 2002, Kent M. Wiedemann and the Secretary of Ministry of Interior Lt. Gen. Em Sam An. 

According to the agreement, each nation has a “Central Authority for the receipt and initial screening” of the deportee’s.   A Joint Commission of Repatriation that consists of 8 member (4 US members and 4 Cambodian members) are to meet twice a year to review both policy and individual cases of deportations that were refused. For instance, if Cambodia were to refuse one of the deportee requests made by America, during this meeting, Cambodia would have to explain why they refused to accept the deportee. 

The agreement also details the process in which a deportee is returned including evidence that the deportee is a citizen of the expecting nation and the opportunity for an interview by the expecting nation. If the expecting nation rejects the deportee, they have 30 days to inform the requesting nation in writing as to why the deportee was rejected.  If the expecting nation accepts the deportee, the requesting state has to issue the travel documents valid for 60 days and has to inform the expecting state the travel itinerary at least 7 days before the deportee’s return. 

If you would like to know what you can do to stop unjust deportations, please contact a member of the IKARE team by clicking here.

Legal Disclaimer:  The information expressed on this website are for informative purposes only. If you find yourself facing possible deportation, please seek immediate legal advice from an experienced attorney.  If you need assistance finding one, feel free to contact the IKARE team and we may be able to provide you with a list of qualified attorney’s. 

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